Institute of Monolingual and Bilingual Speech



   ISMBS 2022 (was 2021) from Chania to Cajun land

spring starts early (February) here!
Demosthenes - ISMBS

ISMBS 2015

Research Awards

ISMBS 2015 Early Career Research Awards

Four early career research awards to promising researchers were granted to: 

Angelica Carlet, PhD candidate, Autonomous University of Barcelona (Supervisor: Juli Cebrian)
Anastasia Chionidou, PhD candidate, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (Supervisor: Katerina Nicolaidis)
Matthew Patience, PhD candidate, University of Toronto (Supervisor: Laura Colantoni)
Antje Stoehr, PhD candidate, Radboud University Nijmegen (Supervisor: Paula Fikkert)