Institute of Monolingual and Bilingual Speech



   ISMBS 2022 (was 2021) from Chania to Cajun land

spring starts early (February) here!
Demosthenes - ISMBS

ISMBS 2017


ISMBS 2017 Publications 

Full papers are published as brief articles in the Proceedings of the International Symposium on Monolingual and Bilingual Speech 2017, E. Babatsouli (ed.), ISBN: 978-618-82351-1-3 (here).

Selected articles were published in full length as:

a special issue in honor of Martin J. Ball, guest-edited by E. Babatsouli & M. Kehoe-Winkler and titled 'Phonological and phonetic studies of speech disorders across languages', published in Clinical Linguistics and Phonetics.

a book edited by E. Babatsouli, titled Crosslinguistic research in monolingual and bilingual speech, and published by the Institute of Monolingual and Bilingual Speech.